Chelsey Brooke Fitness

Chelsey Brooke Fitness

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 Carter H. - 1 Year Client

Video Testimonial


Abby B. - 3 Month Client

“Before starting my program, I thought that eating less was better. Then when I wanted more food, I felt guilty. I was very unsure about my body, and my nutrition was never consistent. It was a never-ending cycle of restricting off and on and trying to work out but not progressing. Coming into my first weeks, I was vulnerable and scared of failure. I couldn’t do some exercises more than a few times nor lift anything higher than my first set of weights. I didn't have any noticeable muscle in my legs, arms, or stomach and thought I would have a hard time with food. I wasn’t confident in my body and tried to hide it under everything I could. Throughout the course of 10 weeks with Chelsey, life has completely changed for me in every single way. I have learned about different approaches I can take according to my fitness goals, learned that food is fuel and not an enemy, I have learned about how macros work and how to get creative with some awesome foods, how to live my life without sacrificing everything I enjoy, how to work around my schedule instead of adding anything to it, how to properly fuel my body, how to change my habits instead of following a diet, and most importantly going out of my comfort zone, conquering goals, finding purpose and living my dreams. I have gotten stronger, lift heavier, see muscle growth in my legs like I never have before, ab definition, and am so confident in the body I have built. I strut in confidence, and I no longer hide but embrace every single bit of myself!

Looking a few years back, I paid for a “coach” and thought everything would be great. My plan with them consisted of barely any food, overdoing cardio, I couldn’t eat small snacks, was told to curb my hunger with water, if I ate more than I should have- I would have to remove meals from the following day and received minimal feedback or help. I was left starving, binging, sacrificing other parts of my life, and giving all of my power to food and “fitness.” That was until I took the plunge and started with Chelsey. Chelsey is the coach I wish I had back when I started; she possesses all of the fantastic skills a coach is meant to be. She is encouraging, motivating, a listener, a helper, informative, kind, empathetic, knowledgeable, and wants to see you grow and succeed in what you are doing. She has made me an individual custom program plan that is secondary to my need to improve and to stay healthy, not a cookie cutter plan that gets passed around. She takes in every single aspect of mine into consideration and with this, she has helped me stop “dieting,” eliminate binges, love food again, make fitness an easy apart of my life and trust my body one hundred percent! No more working out and dieting, instead training and eating! :) I hope you take the plunge too; you know what's scarier than change? Not changing at all!” - Abby B.

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More Client Transformations


About Me


Hello! My name is Chelsey and I am a registered nurse and an online health and fitness coach. My passion is to help others become their happiest and healthiest selves.

A career in nursing was the perfect choice for me because I am passionate about health and about working with others. Even though I love my career in nursing, I wanted to do more. I wanted to help others reach their goals and find joy in taking care of themselves. I wanted to make an impact on people not just in the hospital setting.

I started out my fitness journey seven years ago. I started lifting because I wanted to change how I looked but I continued because I fell in love with the way it made me feel! Never did I imagine the impact it would have on my life! I have developed confidence I didn't know I could ever have, had opportunities to travel, met people that will forever be in my life, started a business, and so much more!

I know the struggle of feeling like you can’t focus on fitness and still thrive in the rest of your life. I struggled for so long with finding balance. I was that person OBSESSED with the gym and diet. But I found that wasn’t a healthy way to live. I’m still a work in progress but I feel like I have finally hit the point where I have found so much happiness and freedom! I have figured out how to balance working out and nutrition with living a happy balanced life! It is possible! I’m a nurse, a wife, a new mom, a travel enthusiast, a social butterfly, and I’m fit and healthy! It’s my passion to help others see how healthy living can enhance your life and add to it not consume it! It’s my goal to help every client of mine believe in themselves and learn how to find balance while still achieving their goals. Lets find our healthy balance together! 


One on One Coaching


One on one coaching is a fully customized program containing both nutrition and workout plans designed specifically for you and your goals. No plan is cookie cutter! We will work with you personally to be sure you get results, feel amazing in your own skin, and learn how to be fit for life! Our plans are not “quick fixes” but rather a method designed to help you live a healthy and fit lifestyle. We want you to become the healthiest and most CONFIDENT version of you.

What one on one coaching includes:

  • Custom macros with explanations of our methods and teaching you all the basics of nutrition so that you have balance in your life and food choices while still reaching your goals

  • Weekly check ins with your coach, including macro adjustments as needed so that we can hold you accountable and keep you motivated

  • High touch access to your coach through text and phone call support to answer any questions and encourage you along your journey so that you are always supported

  • Personalized workout plans geared towards your personal goals so that you achieve the results you’re after

  • Access to our training app for your customized workout plans. The app includes a workout calendar, video demonstrations of every single exercise to show your proper form, habit tracking, ability to track your workout progress, and much more!

  • Cardio recommendations and guidelines

  • Many resources including grocery lists, meal ideas, macro basics e-book, recipe e-book, and more so that you have everything you need to succeed!

  • Community group chat with others in the program so that you can find support and make friends on the same journey as you

  • Online video education course teaching you about nutrition, training, and mindset so that you come out of this program with all the tools necessary to KEEP the results long term.

  • Biweekly team zoom calls for even more education and support

  • Education, Accountability, Support, & Community - Everything you need to be successful!!

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